Wednesday, December 31, 2008


baseball camp

For Christmas, Oma and Opa paid for Max's baseball camp at Texas Tech. He had a blast! A bunch of his friends went, too. It was a great day and an awesome gift- thanks Oma and Opa!

We have had lots of fun in December. Max won these glasses in school and loves them. He wore them everywhere (yes, even the store) with his Indiana Jones hat. We decorated Oma and Opa's tree with Ashley and Brynn. We helped deliver Christmas presents with Mission 2540. The kids loved playing Santa and I love that they see how important it is to help others. We all went caroling with Oma and Opa. This is a yearly tradition that I love. I love seeing my kids deliver poinsettias to homebound people from our church and seeing their eyes light up. I love hearing them sing sweet carols. Addie got to have some girls over to decorate cookies and ornaments. I am still finding sprinkles and glitter on the floor, but it is totally worth it-they had fun.

Jake and Addie finished their seasons in early December. They both had fun and did a great job.