Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We have had a great summer and the best thing we did was spend time with our families! We are so blessed to have such wonderful people in our family. Thank you for letting hang out with you! We love you!!!!

Jake wanted to go and check out TCU and we found the stadium open, so we went in. Trey and the kids had never been there and thought it was really cool.

Addie and Max decided to try out the climbing wall at the zoo. Addie is on the left, Max is on the right. They did great, but their arms were a little too short to go all the way up, but they got pretty far. They loved it.
I LOVE THIS PICTURE! We can learn a lot from this orangutan. He/she is just relaxing enjoying the day. I wish I could always have this attitude. When I forget all my worries and just relax, I have a great day. My sink full of dirty dishes and my overflowing laundry baskets will still be there tomorrow. Today, I am going to play with my kids because too soon they will be grown and I don't want to regret not having the attitude of this monkey!

I am not usually one for scenic pictures, but this rainbow was so beautiful and had been "following" us for miles as we drove to Ft. Worth. Trey had gotten a call a few hours earlier with a job offer. We were struggling with what to do and were just stressed out. This rainbow took my mind off of that and just reminded me that God is in control. We knew Trey needed to stay at his position and our family needed to stay in Amarillo, but we still worried. Thank you Lord for sweet reminders at the perfect time. You are in control!!!!!!

This was Addie's first year to get to play volleyball. She was so excited to get to play. She worked really hard on her serves and passing. She did a great job and had a lot of fun with her friends. I got to coach her team which is always fun! They don't keep an official score, but I know we had a winning season!!
Our spring was full of baseball games. Trey's freshman team did great and won the district. The varsity made it to the playoffs again. Trey has to scout and was gone 5 weekends in a row. We are always excited for our Raiders to do well, but it was hard being without him! They almost made it to the state tournament again, but they lost in the deciding game in extra innings. They had an awesome season and we are really proud of them. Jake's team battled through their season and ended up third in their division. Jake caught a lot of balls in the outfield and had some good hits. Max's team only lost one game in the regular season. They lost in the tournament, but came back to play in the championship game. They lost, but still had fun. Max played pitcher and regularly threw people out at 1st and caught a buch of pop ups. He also hit the ball so good and rarely got out. All my boys had great seasons.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Kindergarten Graduation! What a fun year. It is so hard to see my baby growing up, but what a great kid and student he is. He did not get in trouble one time this year and is reading at the highest level tested in kindergarten. He said kids in his class would come to him to ask him for help with words. At the end of the ceremony, the principal asked if any of the kids want to come up on stage and say what they want to be when they grow up. Max went up and said he wanted to be a baseball coach. He will probably change his mind a hundred times over, but whatever he chooses to be, he will be great because he is an awesome kid and a sweet son.

Here is a picture of our little Addie about to rip the ball at her softball game. She loves playing softball!! In her first season she played short stop, catcher, outfield, 3rd base, and 2nd base. She also had a lot of great hits including an in the park home run. She is #9 on the Pink Panthers.
After a long day of playing baseball and watching baseball, Max and Jake went with Trey up to the high school to work on the field. The boys were playing and Max tried to run under a bar and didn't make it! He hit his forehead which made him flip back and bust his head open on the concrete below. Trey and one of the other coaches stopped the bleeding and put a piece of guaze inside his hat and brought him home to mom. Of course, Trey thought he was OK, but mom said "Uh, I think I will take him to the Urgent Care Center." Sweet Max had to get 7 staples. He was so brave and didn't really cry when she put them in. He wimpered and winced a bit, but he really cried when she said no baseball for a while. He is such a tough guy, but we still HATE to see him hurt!

Max and Jake were both on the White Sox this season. We promise Max really does like playing baseball. We cannot remember why he was upset, but as you can see, he wasn't very happy at this moment. By the time we got to the field, he was thrilled and helped lead his team to a victory. Jake's team lost, but he was still smilin'!